
Rapeseed (Brassica napus) is cultivated worldwide in the winter-mountainous areas of the temperate climatic regions. The main producers are Canada, China, India, Germany and France. 2014 worldwide 36.1 million hectares of rapeseeds were cultivated. On 24 percent of the total acreage are used for gm-rapeseeds.

Currently, 4 gm-rapeseed varieties with herbicide resistances can be imported into the EU


GM-rapeseed screening: 3-fold screening
Detects the rapeseed events approved in the EU

  • Evaluation
  • Consulting regarding the result
  • Test report according to DIN EN ISO 17025

GM-rapeseed screening II*: 4-fold screening
Detects an additional event which has already been approved in the USA, Canada and Australia.

* Specification of the BAES Wien for seed in Austria

We are happy to provide you with advice and individual analyzes. We are at your disposal.
